Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How to Find a Tutor Online

How to Find a Tutor OnlineFinding a tutor is easier than ever thanks to the Internet, and finding a tutor online can provide you with the perfect solution for your particular needs. Whether you are looking for a professional or do-it-yourself tutor, finding a tutor online can make it easy and affordable to find someone who will be able to help you improve your grades.When you are looking for the right teacher to work with, you need to do your research. By taking the time to find a local tutor who works within your own community, you can ensure that you will get the best possible tutoring. This type of tutor is also more likely to be willing to help with outside studies or tests. Tutors who offer their services for a fee might not be as flexible and will probably not be willing to help you with outside studies or tests.So how do you find a tutor online? There are several different places that you can turn to when you want to find a local tutor. You can do your research by looking thro ugh your local newspaper, talking to your local elementary school or using an online directory. There are a number of directories that offer a list of local tutors who will work with students from all types of backgrounds.You can also search through your local children's bookstores for a local tutor. Most times, the children's bookstores will provide information about local tutors in the community. You can also try asking local tutors what other tutors they recommend for your area.If you cannot find a tutor online, you should consider working with a local school or public library. You can always find a local librarian that will help you find a tutor. In addition, there are some schools that will also have specialized reading tutors available that can work with children in your child's grade level.If you are a parent, you may want to consider working with a tutor that works with your child's grade level. Children often have trouble with reading, so it might be beneficial to find a tu tor that works with children from a lower grade level. The tutor can usually work on specific areas of the curriculum and help you with certain learning strategies that might be helpful to your child.If you have limited time, you may want to consider looking for an online tutor. Online tutors will often provide you with a selection of online tutors that you can choose from based on their skill level and the areas that they specialize in. The online tutors will also work with your child from the beginning to help them master the basics, and will also work with your child's progress based on tests that you give your child.By taking the time to look for a tutor online, you can find the perfect solution for your specific needs. Whether you are looking for a teacher that can work with students in your community or you are looking for a private tutor, online tutors can provide you with the help that you need to meet your specific learning needs.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Cambridge Mathematics Tutor

Cambridge Mathematics TutorIt's unlikely that you'll find yourself needing a Cambridge maths tutor, but it's always good to know how they are faring at their new job. There are plenty of people who may be surprised to find out that Cambridge offers no formal assessment scheme or syllabus. But why would this be the case?There are several reasons for this approach. Firstly, it is widely believed that such a system would make a positive impact on the work of Cambridge tutors as well as students. Another reason is that there are few formal assessments available in the traditional sense.When students have completed a Cambridge course, then it is often assumed that they have passed the course. This can be true in the broadest sense - students are judged on their ability to do their assigned work - but can also be misleading in the more specific sense, because most students don't complete the course's topics in the order that they were taught.Even though students may have worked through all the topics before an assessment session, they may not have studied them in the correct order. A good Cambridge tutor will be able to assess students on these areas by asking questions related to the topics that students choose to focus on at the end of the course.In contrast, many Cambridge courses include a test on examination days, with a variety of tasks available. Although the student must still be evaluated in terms of the topics they chose to study, they will have the option of highlighting sections of the paper to show the correct way to approach each section. In addition, students may choose to take more than one assessment at the end of the course.After these considerations have been made, the student's entire class will be asked to give an oral presentation to present a solution to a problem that the student and the other students in the class have encountered. From this pointon, the entire class will be evaluated for their performance.This sort of feedback from all of th e students is generally regarded as being the best kind of feedback possible for a Cambridge tutor, and it can only be expected to improve their quality of work. Many Cambridge tutors will be looking forward to presenting their work with even greater vigour in the next year.

Avoid Interference Using a Web Site

Avoid Interference Using a Web SiteInterference in the physical world is an unavoidable part of life and has been affecting people all over the world for a long time. Every day, we're encountering such situations in different forms. In this article, I will explain how interference in the physical world can be avoided.One of the first things that you should learn is that the web works through interference. The amount of your internet connection determines how much of the signals that are received by your computer are equal to those sent. If your connection is high-speed, you'll be able to receive a lot of interference.Internet has become very powerful and interactive and there's no doubt that it's become very important to us today. You've seen lots of websites using JavaScript for displaying pictures, videos, music and animation. The fact that they can do these tasks and more means that it makes your internet connection unstable. So, your connection would lose signal even when it hasn 't been interfered by any other network.We use the internet all the time to watch our favorite movies, watch TV series, download video, play games and listen to music through our home theatre systems. For all these tasks, you have to make sure that you have a good quality connection. Fortunately, many people have come up with innovative methods to help you avoid the loss of signal.Online games are becoming a big hit and it's all thanks to online multiplayer. The fact that online multiplayer is free and is available to everyone means that lots of people around the world can join these online games. When there are millions of players around the world playing the same game, the odds of the game being reliable and effective are also quite high.The Internet uses lots of information, which is transmitted through the internet. It doesn't matter how fast the connections are if you can't get a complete stream of information on the game you're playing. So, make sure that your internet connect ion is reliable and it won't interfere with other network. It will still help you enjoy the advantages of online multiplayer, but don't expect that the game will be as smooth as you'd want it to be.In conclusion, the power of the internet is tremendous and if you don't take advantage of it, you'll have a big problem. So, don't hesitate to take advantage of the power of the internet, get yourself connected and enjoy it.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Work at Home Tutoring Jobs

Work at Home Tutoring JobsA lot of people think that there is no work at home tutoring jobs available. This is simply not true. If you know where to look, you can find any of the following work at home tutoring jobs within your reach.* Free Tutoring - Free tutoring is available from private schools and even some online colleges. Usually they are paid for, but you can sign up with a paid online college in order to get the teaching online for free. The idea is to gain experience at school in the same way that you would if you were a teacher, so you will have a good foundation for a future job. Check out what has been offered in the area and whether they accept new students, or you can try your luck.* Private Tutors - As private tutors often specialise in a particular subject, it is worth looking into what they offer and whether you can get on to their list. If not, don't worry because you will probably be able to work as a tutor yourself once you are starting out. It is not likely that any job will come up without qualification, but you can search for jobs using the key words work at home tutoring jobs. Always look at what qualifications they require and whether you meet the requirements.* In Home tutors - Private tutors are the most common form of work at home tutoring jobs. These usually involve getting your own students to do what you want them to do in class and also to get feedback. Many times, you will also need to make a few adjustments and corrections and this is where it can become interesting for you. Some of the private tutors also have some sort of registration service, which will be a great help to you as you get started.* Virtual Tutors - There are also plenty of virtual tutoring jobs available. If you are good at taking notes and working quickly, then this could be an opportunity for you.* Online Course - There are also a number of online courses that offer work at home tutoring jobs. If you are good at doing a little bit of research, then this is probably your best bet as the tutors are usually based online.Work at home tutoring is definitely a great way to get paid to learn. These work at home tutoring jobs are really quite simple and are a great way to start a new career. So long as you know where to look, you should be able to find work at home tutoring jobs for you and your family very soon.

Volume of a Cone Equation Tutors

Volume of a Cone Equation Tutors A cone is a solid geometric figure consisting of a circular base and a vertex at its top. The circular base is connected to the vertex by forming a curved surface around the cone. The circular base consists of the radius and the line joining the center of the circle to the vertex is known as the height of the cone. The volume of a cone equation is given as one-third the product of the area of the base circle and the height of the cone. Example 1: What is the volume of the cone whose height is 10m and the radius of its circular base is 6m? Given: radius, r = 6m Height of the cone, h = 10m Volume of the cone, V = 1/3 * * r2 * h This gives: Volume of the cone, V = 1/3 * * 62 * 10 = 120 * = 377m3 Therefore, thevolume of the given cone is 377m3 Example 2: What is the volume of the cone whose height is 5m and the radius of its circular base is 9m? Given: radius, r = 9m Height of the cone, h = 5m Volume of the cone, V = 1/3 * * r2 * h This gives: Volume of the cone, V = 1/3 * * 92 * 5 = 135 * = 424.1m3 Therefore, thevolume of the given cone is 424.1m3

An Introduction to Yoga and Chakras

An Introduction to Yoga and Chakras The Beginner’s Guide to Yoga and Chakras ChaptersThe Main Principles of ChakrasWhy Should You Balance Your Chakras through Yoga?How Can You Open Your Chakras through Yoga?The Best Yoga Poses for Balancing Your Chakras“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” - The Bhagavad GitaThe number of people practising yoga is increasing. While most yogis are in their 30s and 40s, an increasing number of over 50s are also taking it up.Chakras are said to be energy point situated along the spinal column and while there are tonnes of them, there are seven main ones. They are fed by life force energy and can either be too closed or too open, leading to emotional, psychological, and physical blockages.In this article, we're going to look at the main principles behind chakras, why you should use yoga to rebalance your chakras, how you can open them through yoga, and the best yoga poses for sorting out your chakras. CarleyYoga Teacher 5.00 (5) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GenYoga Teacher £45/h 1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JulieYoga Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LynnYoga Teacher 4.89 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AliceYoga Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LauraYoga Teacher 5.00 (6) £70/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors UndramYoga Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LottieYoga Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Main Principles of ChakrasAccording to traditional Indian medicine, there are 88,000 chakras, energy centres that influence our physical and mental health. Opening your chakras isn’t the only thing you have to do as sometimes they can be too open.Yoga requires concentration and a lot of practise. (Source: janeb13)These energy centres are represented by lotus flowers and are associated with a given colour, vibration, stone, element, or organ.The root chakra (Muladhara), is located at the coccyx. It’s associated with the element of earth, th e colour red, the seed mantra Lam, the note C, and the bladder and colon.The sacral chakra (Svadhishthana) is just below the height of your bellybutton on your back. It’s associated with the element of water, the colour orange, the seed mantra Vam, the note D, emotions, and the testes and ovaries.The solar plexus chakra (Manipura) is located a couple of fingers above your belly button. It’s associated with the element of fire, the colour yellow, the seed mantra Ram, the note E, and the digestive system.The heart chakra (Anahata), is located by your heart. It’s associated with the element of air, the colour green, the seed mantra Yam, the note F, and feelings of love.The throat chakra (Vishuddha) is located by the throat. It’s associated with the element of aether (akasha), the colour sky blue, the seed mantra Ham, the note G, and the thyroid.The guru chakra (Ajna) or third-eye chakra is located between your eyebrows. It’s associated with decision-making, the psyche, the co lour indigo, the seed mantra Om, and the note A.The crown chakra (Sahasrara) is located on the top of your head. It’s associated with vibration, the colour purple, the seed mantra Ham, and the note B.All the energy points are associated with Nadi (flow). There are three main ones through which life force energy flows: Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala. Finally, Kundalini is the divine energy or life force. Kundalini is mainly used to achieve a heightened state of mind.See classes for yoga near me here.Why Should You Balance Your Chakras through Yoga?Attending yoga classes is a great way to improve your general wellbeing, feel more relaxed, and manage a stressful personal and professional life.Yoga originated in India and chakras are part of Indian traditions and beliefs. (Source: swamiananda)Balancing your chakras through yoga allows you to unwind and alleviate emotional and physical pain. It’s said that when you feel physical pain, fatigue, or frustration, it’s through an unbalanced chakra.Each chakra is associated with certain organs and states of mind:The root chakra: when this chakra isn’t balanced, you can have digestive problems and pains in the lower part of your body (legs, feet, back). Psychologically, it can cause a feeling of anxiety or insecurity.The sacral chakra: this is associated with carnal desires and reproductive organs. Balancing this chakra will help you feel better in pleasurable activities. When it’s unbalanced, you’ll have a reduced libido.The solar plexus chakra: this is associated with the digestive system and is the centre of your self-confidence. Balancing this chakra will allow you to rid yourself of digestive problems and regain your confidence.The heart chakra: this is associated with feelings of love and empathy. Balancing the heart chakra will cleanse your relationships with others, be them amorous or otherwise.The throat chakra: this is associated with the expression of your emotions. When it’s unbalanced, you’ll talk a lot, not listen to others, or be unable to express yourself. Rebalancing it will allow you to express yourself clearly.The third-eye chakra: this is associated with making decisions and balancing it will allow you to listen to your intuition without letting it run your life.The crown chakra: this is the energy centre and the most complicated chakra to open. It is nearly always underdeveloped. When it’s balanced, it allows you to be in complete harmony with your subconscious, without any fear of death or physical pain.Chakras may become unbalanced following a shock or during your childhood. Rebalancing them can take a lot of time and effort.Most people practise yoga to reduce stress.How Can You Open Your Chakras through Yoga?There are different ways to balance your chakras: stones, Reiki, Qigong, diet, acupuncture, essential oils, Bach flower remedies, Shiatsu, acupressure, hypnosis, etc.Take a deep breath and slowly breathe out! (Source: janeb13)However, the most effective way to balance your chakras is through yoga. It can be difficult to think about chakras as it’s an abstract notion that requires an open mind. You can work on them without even knowing it.Even if you don’t believe in them, you’ll still probably feel better after a session of yoga dedicated to a particular one.Vibrations in yoga allow organs associated with a particular note and chakra to resonate. This is why Tibetan singing bowls are often used in yoga classes.The mantras associated with each chakra can also improve the well-being of certain organs. Sound yoga concentrates on the vocal cords, breathing, and alleviating tension.Breathing exercises (Pranayama) allows you to relax and remove tension. Each yoga pose needs to be done while controlling your breathing (one part is done while inhaling, another while exhaling). The advantage is that these breathing exercises can be done anywhere if you’re feeling stressed. Before going on stage, you can practise your breathing. It’s a n effective way to lower your heart rate and relax.Meditation is also useful for working on your chakras, removing tension, and opening your mind. A short guided meditation is usually done at the end of a yoga session and you can even find guided meditation sessions on YouTube dedicated to opening your chakras.Yoga sessions are built around harmonising a chakra. It’s more effective if you concentrate on a single chakra throughout a session and find its equilibrium.Find out why you should do yoga.The Best Yoga Poses for Balancing Your ChakrasHatha yoga is particularly good for balancing your chakras. Slowly and gently working on different poses allows you to correctly circulate your life force energy.You can get even more out of your yoga if you find the right place to do it. (Source: evita-ochel)Some yoga poses (asanas) are associated with opening certain chakras:The first chakra: chair pose, seated forward bend, tree pose, child’s pose.The second chakra: throne pose, cobra pose , boat pose, cow face pose.The third chakra: warrior 1 and 2 poses, locust pose, sun salutation, chair pose.The fourth chakra: bridge pose, camel pose, fish pose, cobra pose.The fifth chakra: lion pose, shoulder stand, half-bridge pose.The sixth chakra: child’s pose, cat pose, shoulder stand, dancer pose, seated forward bend.The seventh chakra: corpse pose, headstand.Now you know what you need to do to open or rebalance each of your main chakras.If you need extra help, you can also get yoga tutorials and you should always seek assistance from a professional before doing any yoga pose.There are plenty of talented private tutors available on Superprof to help you with meditation and yoga.   There are different types of tutorial available and it's up to you to choose the best tutor and best type of tutorials for you and your budget.Face-to-face tutorials are the most costly type of private tutorials available but they're often the most cost-effective thanks to having your own dedicat ed tutor to plan your sessions and guide you through them.There are also online tutorials available. This is when the tutor teaches the tutorial using video conferencing software such as Skype and isn't there in the room with you. While this type of tutorial is usually better for academic subjects, you can get yoga and meditation tutorials over webcam too!Finally, there are group tutorials. These tend to be cheaper than the other types since several students are sharing the cost of the tutor's time. However, this does mean you get less one-on-one time with your tutor.

Managing Change Will Make You a Highly Desirable Asset - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Managing Change Will Make You a Highly Desirable Asset - Introvert Whisperer Managing Change Will Make You a Highly Desirable Asset The Leader that manages change and transition the best are paid the best.  The reason is because making a group of people is very difficult and has caused the best Leaders quit.  The deal is, they probably didn’t know there is a change management process that is well defined but not broadly known about. As a person who has successfully managed numerous large-scale change, let me share with you a few insights to help you. People are resistant to change.  Absolutely not true.  We make change from the day we’re born to the day we die.  We don’t just change as we age we change our life style, education level, jobs, relationship status and friends.  The list goes on.  Certainly, in the work place change is a way of life and people do have to deal with those demands. If you can make a good logical argument, people will change.  Wrong.  If logic worked no one would smoke, do drugs or be in abusive relationships.  Unfortunately, the groups that try to curb those behaviors seem to think that works but logic is not what moves people to change anything. Emotion and purpose is what will move people to change. If people in a group think a change will work, the change will go well.  There is more to making a change than the democracy of a good idea. There are some things that should never change.  We might like to think that but nothing ever stays the same no matter how hard we try to keep it that way. If people are unhappy or angry about a change, it means it’s a bad change.  No, not true.  All people going through change experience an emotional reaction called Transition.  Part of that emotional reaction is a mix of emotions ranging from anxiety, anger to excitement.  It can be a confusing way to feel but it’s very natural.  It’s important to help educate and manage transition just like any process or system change. I’d like to share with you more vital Leadership insights and skills on how to plan both Change and Transition no matter what level you are â€" along with all the skills to make you an inspiring Leader.  The new, live interactive program is: “Lead Like You Mean It” Leadership Development Program Click here for more details: https://introvertwhisperer.leadpages.co/leadlikeyoumeanitpilot/ From Dorothy Tannahill-Moran

The Influence the Hindi Language on India and Asia

The Influence the Hindi Language on India and Asia The Hindi Influence on Languages all Over the World. ChaptersThe Influence of Hindi on Urdu (and Vice-Versa)The Influence of Hindi on Other Asian LanguagesHindi Words in Asian LanguagesHindi Words in Languages Outside of AsiaEnglish Words Derived from HindiThe Hindi language is spoken by over 590 million people worldwide. Even Indians who don’t speak Hindi as their mother tongue might speak it as a second language.With so many Hindi speakers around the world, how has the language influenced others in Asia and elsewhere? Can learning other languages help you understand Hindi?entered the language as loan words from the Prakrit dialects or Sanskrit, all precursors of Hindi.Interestingly, Sanskrit also influenced other Asian languages - more so than Hindi. Here, one of the earliest inscriptions on Java, in Vedic Sanskrit. Photo credit: Ms Sarah Welch on WikipediaBollywood as the Pollinating Bee of IndiaThis said, once more Bollywood comes into play. Bollywood is interesting in its role in disseminating the various Indian languages. While Bollywood movies are generally in Hindi with a good splattering of Urdu, movies often feature other Indian languages as well, such as Punjabi, Kannada, Tamil or Telugu.A Hindi movie featuring a Sindhi-speaking family will attract a lot of viewers with Sindhi as their native language. At the same time, they will be exposed to Hindi as the second language of the film, and new words and phrases from the Hindi language might become popular for a time in the Sindhi community. Some will fade away, but other Hindi phrases will survive and make it into the permanent vocabulary of Sindhi.Bollywood is very popular, and Hindi movies will be available in non-Hindi-speaking communities. Photo on Visualhunt.com GiusyHindi Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AnchalHindi Teacher 5.00 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NehaHindi Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AkshayaHindi Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tuto rs SuhaniHindi Teacher 5.00 (4) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MedhaHindi Teacher 5.00 (2) £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PriyankaHindi Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SaurabhHindi Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHindi Words in Asian LanguagesNo country lives in a vacuum, and neighbouring countries will always influence each other linguistically to some extent. So you will find Hindi terms in Malay, Indonesian (though Indonesian has more Sanskrit terms than Hindi), Lao, Burmese and Thai.However, on the whole, Hindi’s influence on other Asian languages is minimal.There is a large Indian community that has built up in Nepal over several centuries. They call themselves Madhesis and many still speak the Awadhi dialect  of Hindi.Hindi Words in Languages Outside of AsiaAnywhere there is a sizeable Indian population, it seems likely that Hindi words will enter the local language. Hindi loanwords can turn up in pla ces you might not suspect.Hindi Creole LanguagesIn certain places, Hindi has been combined with other languages, either imported or local, to create a sort of lingua franca to allow various different populations with different languages to communicate with each other.Fiji uses a form of Hindi derived mainly from the Awadhi dialect, with some influence from the Bhojpuri, Magahi and Bihari language of India. Called Hindustani by the Fijian Indian community, it also incorporates words from the native Fijian language and English.Fiji Hindi is quite similar to Caribbean Hindustani, a lingua franca for the population of Indian descent living on most Caribbean islands (except for French Guyana, Martinique and Guadeloupe, where most of the Indians are from southern India, where Dravidian languages are spoken). Carribean Hindustani mostly borrows from the Hindi Awadhi dialect, as well as a mix of Bhojpuri and other Bihari dialects along with smatterings of the local languages.There is Fiji H indi creole used to communicate on the Pacific islands of Fiji and Vanuatu. Photo credit: Björn Groß on Visual huntHindi Words in African LanguagesThere is a large Indian diaspora in South Africa, mostly concentrated around the city of Durban. They speak a form of Hindi with a lot of Awadhi and Bhojpuri mixed in. The language they speak is similar to a form of Indian spoken on Mauritius.Because a lot of Indians came to Africa during the Colonial Period - some as slaves, some as servants and some as free men and women - Hindi words have entered some African languages such as Swahili or Somali.English Words Derived from HindiYou will find Hindi words in other languages, too, such as Hebrew, Italian or even Scots. However, those words usually did not come directly from Hindi, but from the Hindi terms that have made it into the English language.Through over a century of colonial rule, a lot of Hindi words made it into standard English vocabulary. Of course, you first think of food - w ords such as chutney (from chatni) or toddy (from tari, the juice of the palmyra palm) -curry comes from Tamil, not Hindi - or spiritual terms such as yoga, karma or nirvana.But did you know that the Englishmen who fought in the Indian wars, traded with the East India Company, owned plantations or served in the Colonial government also brought back words such as:Bungalow (from bangla) - a house in the Bengal styleCot (from khat) a bedCummerbund (from kamarband) - waist bindingKhaki (from khaki) - dust-colouredJungle (from jangal) - wilderness, forestLoot - to stealPunch (panch) - “five” for its five original ingredients: alcohol, sugar, lemon, water and spices (or tea).Shampoo (champo) - “rub!”Thug (thagi), “thief or con man”Veranda (baramdaa)Shampoo (champo, to rub)Juggernaut (a form of Vishnu called Jagganath, during whose festival huge carts were pulled through the streets)Dungaree (a denim fabric)Bangle (bangri, a kind of bracelet)Pyjamas (paijaamaa, leg garment)So a s you see, you are speaking some Hindi without even knowing it!You can learn more by finding Hindi lessons on our Superprof website.

Boxing Lessons Edinburgh

Boxing Lessons Edinburgh Learn to Box in Edinburgh ChaptersThe Edinburgh Boxing AcademyThai Boxing comes to EdinburghBoxing and More at Krav MagaBox at Leith VictoriaTrip Notes: Boxing in EdinburghIn spite of Glasgow having been nominated the friendliest city, there’s no denying that Edina is friendly as well.Just think of how open she is: welcoming international students, the International Arts Festival and the Fringe, soon to kick off...Naturally, considering the amiable nature of the average Edinburgher, one wouldn’t think that boxing would be their forte... and that would be wrong.Your Supeprof has been traipsing all over the UK to find the most rigorous workouts: boxing, kickboxing, mixed martial arts and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.You will be surprised at the wealth of classes we found in the Athens of the North, starting with...Joining the ranks of professional boxers is difficult; most people box for fitness Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from PixabayTheir home page is a bit off-putting; it proclaims ‘there is no easy way ’. It makes you wonder what they mean because they certainly make it easy to work out there!Let’s start with their classes: Beginner’s Boxing, Youth Boxing, Adult Boxing and, if you are at your peak of fitness, you might enjoy what they call T.E.B.A. Ultimate Fitness.Known by its generic name, Boxercise, this exercise class incorporates the moves that boxers make to keep fit:Shadow boxing: essentially, boxing with your shadowrope skipping: an excellent cardio workout!Shuttle running: a short-distance sprint featuring quick turnaroundsbag work: punching and kicking a heavy bag and working the speed bagCallisthenics: squat-jumps and situps, press-ups and chin-ups.As you cycle through aerobic and anaerobic exercises, your body benefits from bursts of intense work separated by relatively mild reps; a manoeuvre designed to build cardiovascular endurance as well as burn fat.Sports enthusiasts and experts agree that Boxercise is one of the best fitness regimens. That is why you can f ind a T.E.B.A. class every day of the week at the Boxing Academy.What else do they have, besides a fitness studio and a weights room; locker rooms and changing facilities?They have a decidedly generous membership plan; £40 a month give you access to unlimited classes. Youths and children as young as five can enjoy membership for £5-6   a month.However, if you were hoping for personal training, that will cost you a bit more.Why not head down to 13 West Harbour Road, catch a glimpse of their full-sized boxing ring and talk with a coach?Do fitness enthusiasts in Leeds have such a fine facility to work out in?Thai Boxing comes to EdinburghThe ‘art of eight limbs’, or Muay Thai â€" literally Thai Boxing, is a combat sport that incorporates elbow and knee strikes along with clinching and striking techniques found in traditional boxing.It is referred to as ‘eight limbs’ because there are eight striking ‘points’: kicks, knees, elbows and fists. By contrast, boxing has only two : both fists, and kickboxing and savate, the French combat sport, each use 4 ‘points’: hands and feet.By the number of 'contact points', you can see how the whole body is engaged in Thai boxing.It was a bit difficult, at first, to flex traditional fighting rules to incorporate the extra strikes that Thai kickboxing permitted.An insistent demand for the sport, along with the proliferation of dojos offering training finally brought Muay Thai into mainstream arenas.Where in Cardiff can one practise Muay Thai?In Edinburgh, the go-to gym to get your Thai on is Hanuman.You might start out with a personal trainer, if only to get an assessment of your current physical condition and advice on work you might do to build up your endurance.If you are not sure you want to commit to such a rigorous regimen, you could take them up on their free trial offer; take a class to see how you hold up.What if Thai boxing is truly not for you?Would you be curious to know what gyms and dojos in Glasgow a re like?For some, extreme sports such as MMA take fighting just a bit too far Image by Mirko Zax from PixabayPerhaps K1 would suit you better. This combat sport is based in Muay but goes further to include aspects of karate, taekwondo, savate, San Shou and traditional boxing.If you are a boxing purist, you could also take traditional ‘western’ boxing lessons there.As intensive as these classes sound, you can rest assured that your coach will not permit you to work harder than you are ready for, nor will s/he put you in any kind of danger: for Hanuman, safety is paramount whether you are warming up, sparring or competing.They are located at 10 Stewartfield; maybe you could drop by and see what they’re all about...There’s a good chance you couldn’t find better boxing classes anywhere in the UK.went mainstream twenty years later.This particularly aggressive discipline ‘borrows’ from other fighting techniques, namely wrestling, boxing and bare-knuckle fighting; in its curr ent incarnation, it is mainly taught for self-defense.The best person to learn this unique fighting style is Marcus Houston, Edinburgh’s only full-time Krav Maga instructor.There’s no need to discount this training facility because you think Krav Maga is a bit too much fighting for you; there are other programmes you and your family could benefit from.If you have young children lazing around the house during their summer break from school, you could enrol them in the Little Ninja programme.The martial arts are primarily about discipline and less about fighting.As such, studying the arts as a child helps respect â€" for himself and for his environment, and inner peace.  There is a spiritual element to martial arts, even though it doesn’t seem likely that a child as young as four could understand those concepts.Nevertheless, teaching young children such a balance is an excellent means of paving the road that leads to self-confidence.Adults can benefit from studying martial arts, too. The Krav Maga centre is well aware of that; they offer MMA training classes for adults several times per week.You don’t need a membership to their club to attend these classes; you could just drop-in and participate. That's great news for  MMA fighters from Liverpool who visit Edinburgh!All they (and you) have to do is go to the Combat Ready Gym on Newhaven Road; soon, you too will be learning moves you might have never known you could make.Also, find out where fighters in Belfast go to train...Thai Boxing and mixed martial arts permit more strike points than traditional boxing Image by Mirko Zax from PixabayBox at Leith VictoriaWe could hardly write an article about boxing in Edinburgh without visiting her oldest boxing club.This year, Leith Victoria celebrates one century of training fighters for the ring and for fitness. By no means should you infer that this is an outdated facility with tired, defective equipment.The coaches and leaders of Leith have long held a stance o f continuous improvement â€" in their equipment and their training methods.As a trainee, you will start your sessions with warm-ups: stretches, isometrics and jogging in place. And then, you get to kick-start your heart by skipping rope and shuttle running.You will then take your place at the speed bag or heavy bag for a bit of hand-eye coordination practice and rhythm training. Don’t forget your hand wraps!What about circuit training, so common in Manchester boxing lessons? Yes, those also feature at Leigh Victoria.These high-intensity exercises are designed to help build and maintain your endurance all while keeping your muscles primed for action.Once you have completed your cardio burn, it is time to get in the ring for a bit of sparring. Naturally, all protective gear â€" gum shields, head guards and gloves will be worn.When all is said and done and the cool-down stretches are finished, you will be left with the glow of health and the pride of accomplishment.Whether you ever w anted to step into the ring to box competitively or use aspects of the noble art of boxing to maintain optimal fitness, you could hardly find a better place than the most venerable boxing club in Edinburgh.Could amateur boxing in Birmingham be that good?Trip Notes: Boxing in EdinburghIn the course of our investigation into Edinburgh’s boxing scene, we uncovered a few facts:1. Unlike Nottingham, called the Home of Sport by our travel council, Edinburgh does not have a strong relationship with boxing.2. Like youths in every major city in the world, Edinburgh’s young people need places to release their pent up energy in healthy, constructive ways.Bradley Welsh, a former amateur boxing champion, was painfully aware of both of these facts and the lack of facilities for young people to exercise in.Five years ago, he announced his intention to open up 10 new boxing facilities so that kids could have a safe outlet for their energy while learning good habits for a lifetime.Today, we see the fruits of his labour: more boxing clubs than we could write up in a single article, more devotion to a cause than most people expend even professionally... and more kids learning how to box.Are kids in London so lucky as to have someone like Mr Welsh looking out for them?